Thursday 2 November 2017

The Fox and the Hound

The Fox and the Hound

DISCLAIMER: This blog is not for profit. I do not claim ownership of this material- all images and footage used are property of their respective companies unless stated otherwise.


This story of a doomed friendship between a Fox and a Hound was certainly a tonal shift for Disney, being far bleaker than anything that had come before it. The inevitable tragedy of the storyline gives the entire film a surprising gravitas and it is also offset by many sweeter moments earlier on in the more Disney-like beginning, meaning that these two sides generally balance each other out overall. At its core, this is a beautiful and tragic story.

In spite of this, some aspects of the plot don’t quite go as far as they need to towards the end, meaning that it doesn’t pack quite the punch it needs to for the story to function as a whole. 

On another note, there is also a bit of goofy side character filler, which doesn’t link to the plot in any way, but it’s brief enough that it doesn’t become too much of a problem.

Visually, it is also a very pretty film in places, with the animation of the climax being particularly impressive. Having said this, the animation can be a bit inconsistent, switching between harder and softer looks several times, which gets a bit distracting. The music is…tolerable for the most part- the best song by far is ‘The Best of Friends’- the rest of the music is ok, but like most of the songs of this era it’s not exactly Disney’s best work.

The Fox and the Hound is a good movie overall, even if some poor creative and story decisions let it down a little.   

Good guys: The protagonists are all likeable enough, so the good guys get 5/10

Bad guys: Amos Slade is threatening enough to be…a threat, so the bad guys get 5/10

Animation: Parts of this film are impressive, in spite of some inconsistencies, so the animation gets 7/10

Music: Best of Friends is a nice song and the rest of the music is at least tolerable, so the music gets 5/10

Plot: A beautiful and tragic story in spite of some clunky decisions, the plot gets 8/10

Overall Rating: 30/50

Next review: The Black Cauldron

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