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The first and most noticeable thing about Bambi is that it
is a beautiful film. There is just something about the textures and the
fluidity of the animation- it looks incredible.
In the first half of the film the characters are also adorably
designed, which is a credit to both the animation and the story itself. However,
overall the characters are actually pretty generic, with the exception of
Thumper. The songs are also not really up to much, but the score is nice.
The overall plot doesn’t really have a set structure, but it
doesn’t really need one- it is simply about nature and a young deer growing up
within it. The scenes shown range from adorable (Bambi skating) to heart-breaking
(do I even need to say which scene this applies to?). But they are all
effective in conjuring the correct emotions from the audience and they are all entertaining
to watch on some level.
What makes the part with Bambi’s mother so effective is the
way in which it is set up. It starts off with a happy atmosphere and the score
seems light. But then the camera pans out. The music grows more ominous. The
previously relaxed atmosphere gives way to an intense chase scene, eventually
culminating its infamous ending. Both the jarring set up and the way in which
Bambi calls out optimistically for his mother, thinking that they both
survived, are heart wrenching to watch.
Overall, Bambi is a wonderfully animated and sweet film. It
is well deserving of its status as a Disney classic.
Good guys: They
are pretty generic, but with cute designs as children, so the characters get a 5/10
Bad guys: Man is
made into a very intimidating villain, without even appearing, so the villains
get an 8/10
Animation: Some
of the best animation so far in the canon, the animation gets a 10/10
Music: It has a nice
score, but nothing about the music is particularly memorable, so it only gets a 4/10
Plot: Even
without a set structure, the film still manages to be entertaining, so the plot
gets a 7/10
Overall rating: 34/50
Next review: Make Mine Music

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