…I really didn’t want to review this one. When I saw it for
the first time a few years ago, knowing very little about the plot, I was very
disappointed with its episodic nature and general meandering. It was better
than I had remembered, but still not very impressive compared to the works that
came before and after.
As gut wrenchingly painful as it is to criticise any of the
work of the great Sherman brothers, the songs in this film are also probably
the most forgettable and borderline irritating in the canon so far. The only
decent one is ‘Higgitus Figgitus’ and even then, that is more to do with the
fun of having a song filled with nonsense words.
The animation is also not great- it doesn’t look horrible,
but there is nothing particularly special to make it stand out.
To be fair, having seen the film a second time, the plot
functions far better than I first thought and having Arthur learning how to be
King is an interesting concept, even if it doesn’t really gel that well
Madam Mim is a pretty fun villain and her duel with Merlin
is probably the most creative scene in the film- it would have been far better
if she had come in earlier as an external threat, as it would have made the
plot far more solid and it would have just been great to see more of her
Merlin and his owl Archemedies are also both great characters,
who are entertaining to watch, so the film does have that in its favour. But
other than that, there just isn’t anything particularly exciting to it. Sorry
to people who grew up with this film, but I don’t think I will be re-watching
it for a third time.
Good guys: Arthur doesn’t have much of a character, but Merlin
and Archimedes are entertaining enough, so overall the good guys get a 5/10
Bad guys: Madam Mim is great, but the fact that she is only
in one scene really hinders her impact as a villain, so the bad guys get 6/10
Animation: It looks pretty rough and there is nothing very
impressive technogically, so the animation gets 5/10
Music: There was only one song I liked, so the music gets
only 3/10
Plot: The plot goes at a very leisurely and relaxed pace,
but it doesn’t gel too well, so the plot gets 4/10
Overall Rating: 23/50
Next review: The Jungle Book